Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Daniel Blythe on X Marks the Box

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just finished 'X Marks the Box' - loved it, laugh out loud stuff and overall highly effective at raising my interest level, already rising thanks to wanting to take on the DCSF over a ludicrous decision not include Special Schools (I'm Literacy Coordinator at one)in a free book scheme. Really agree with your thoughts on league tables and 'choice', although it's worth mentioning that schools located in challenged - or should that be just plain rough? - areas are always going to struggle to 'attract' kids from higher socioeconomic backgrounds - it's still a class war (if one is allowed to say that now...I mean, it's political correctness gone mad...).
Anyway, also thought your style reminiscent of the late, great Douglas Adams. Terrific effort, thoroughly informative and entertaining - and free of charge to boot! Many thanks!

Jonathan Williams Plymouth